ANAÏS Seed potatoes Anaïs
Seed potatoes
Seed potatoes
Genetic origin: Monalisa X Lizen
Breeder (s): GROCEP – France
Catalogue registration: 1997
Category: Consumption
Maturity: Early to very early
Descriptive characters
Tuber: Long, shallow eyes, moderately depressed,
yellow skin, yellow flesh.
Sprout: Red purplish , conical, weak to medium hair.
Plant: Medium height, semi-upright habit, intermediate type.
Upper: internodes and slightly pigmented nodes.
Leaf: Clear green; medium to large leaflet.
Flowering: Low to medium.
Flower: White flower bud weakly pigmented.
Fruit: Very low to low.
print cropping and use
Yield: Very good.
Grading: Proportion of large tubers:. very high
Sensitivity diseases: Leaf blight: susceptible.
Tuber blight: NTR wart: sensitive. Gale
Town: sensitive. Virus X: NTR Virus A: resistant. Virus Y:
susceptible. Leaf roll: moderately susceptible.
Nematode ROI -4: RAS
Internal tuber defects: Slightly susceptible to stains
rust, hollow heart and black spots.
Susceptibility to sprouting: Fairly susceptible.
Dormancy period: Short.
Culinary quality: held cooking, culinary A- group
B, blackening after cooking: nil, fry color: NTR
Dry matter content: Low