LIZEN Seed potatoes Lizen
Seed potatoes
Seed potatoes
Genetic origin: Apollo X Alcmaria
Breeder (s): INRA – France
Catalogue registration: 1981
Category: Consumption
Maturity: medium-early in Early
Descriptive characters
Tuber: Long Short, regular, shallow eyes, yellow skin,
yellow flesh.
Sprout: Red purplish, conical, strong hair.
Plant: Medium height, semi-upright habit, semi-branching type.
Upper: internodes moderately pigmented, non knots
pigmented, slightly pronounced, straight wings.
Leaf: Dark green, moderately divided, half-opened ; leaflet
average, rounded oval (I = 1, 62); limbus plan.
Flowering: Moderately profuse.
Flower: Purplish red, partially pigmented flower bud.
Fruit: Very rare.
cropping characters and use
Yield: 06% of Bintje 1.
Grading: Proportion of large tubers: high to very high.
Sensitivity to diseases: Leaf blight: fairly
susceptible. Tuber blight: slightly susceptible.
Wart: sensitive. Common scab: slightly susceptible.
Virus X: resistant. Virus A: NTR Virus Y: susceptible.
Leaf roll: susceptible. Nematode ROI -4: RAS
Internal tuber defects: Rather slightly susceptible to stains
rust, slightly susceptible to hollow heart and slightly susceptible
to black spots.
Susceptibility to sprouting: Fairly susceptible.
Dormancy period: Short.
Culinary quality: on cooking, culinary group B,
blackening after cooking: nil, fry color: NTR
Dry matter content:. Low
Keeping quality. Pretty low
General characters
vigorous variety, relatively early, very productive, with precocity tuberization and presentation of tubers seem well suited for growing vegetables, but is quite sensitive to virus diseases.