Seed potatoes
Seed potatoes
Breeder (s): France Nord- Committee Research Station
Listing in: French Catalogue (2007)
Type: List A
Category: Consumption
Maturity: very early to early
descriptive characters
Tuber: Oblong elongated, very shallow to shallow eyes, yellow skin, yellow flesh.
Germ: anthocyanin coloration of base absent or very low to low, conical, medium hairiness
Plant: Medium height, spreading habit, leafy type.
Leaf: dark green, intermediate to open.
Flowering: low abundance.
Flower: white, flower bud not or very weakly pigmented.
cultural characters and use
Yield: 91% of (Bintje + Désirée + Charlotte + Monalisa) / 4.
Calibration: proportion of large tubers: medium.
Susceptibility to diseases:
Leaf blight: susceptible.
Tuber blight: moderately susceptible.
Common scab: moderately susceptible.
Winding: fairly susceptible.
Nematode RO 1-4: resistant.
Internal tuber defects: slightly susceptible to rust spots,
quite susceptible to hollow heart, moderately susceptible to black spots.
Sensitivity to desprouting: susceptible to very susceptible.
Mechanical Impact: very sensitive.
Dormancy period: Short.
Culinary quality: for cooking: good, culinary A-B, blackening after cooking: nil, fry color: fairly clear.